2012 Retrospective

It’s getting better all the time.

Despite our relentless drive to consume more and more data, driven by ever more interesting and arguably useful multimedia applications, energy consumption of data centers is growing slower than would be predicted from historical trends.

For that success, we should be proud, while remaining focused on even greater efficiency innovation.

Large companies have stepped up with powerful sustainability initiatives which impact energy use throughout their enterprise. We’ve gotten better at leveraging natural resources, like outside air to moderate data center temperatures.  We are using denser, smarter racks for space and other efficiencies. Data center cooling units are built with variable speed devices improving energy efficiency machine-by-machine. Utility companies are increasingly offering sophisticated and results-generating incentives to jump-start efficiency programs.

These and other contributing factors are making a difference, clearly proven in Jonathan Koomey’s Growth in Data Center Electricity Use 2011 report which showed a flattening, versus a lockstep correlation of energy usage to data center growth. Koomey and other analyst growth estimates projected a doubling of world data center energy usage from 2005 to 2010.  Actual growth rates were closer to 56%, a reduction that Koomey attributes both to fewer than expected server installations – and a reduced use of electricity per server.

I am proud of what our industry – and what our company – has achieved.  Consider some of this year’s highlights.

The New York Times raised the profile – and the ire  – of the data center industry calling attention to the massive energy consumed by, well, consumers.  Data center facilities and analysts alike responded with criticism, saying that the article ignored the many and significant sustainability and energy use reductions now actively in use.

Vigilent received an astounding 8 industry awards this year – recognizing our technology innovation, business success and workplace values. I’m very proud of the fact that several of these awards were presented by or achieved in partnership with our customers.  For example, Vigilent and NTT won the prestigious Uptime GEIT 2012 award in the Facility Product Deployment Category.  NTT Facilities with NTT Communications received the 2012 Green Grid Grand Prix award, recognizing NTT’s innovative efforts in raising the energy efficient levels of Japan by using Vigilent and contributing DCIM tools.  And Verizon, in recognition of our support for their commitment to continuing quality and service, presented us with their Supplier Recognition award in the green and sustainability category.

We moved strongly into Japanese and Canadian markets with the help of NTT Facilities and Telus, both of whom made strategic investments in Vigilent following highly successful deployments.  Premiere Silicon Valley venture firm Accel Partners became an investor early in the year.

We launched Version 5 of our intelligent energy management system adding enhanced cooling system control with Intelligent Analytics-driven trending and visualization, along with a new alarm and notification product to further reduce downtime risk.

And, perhaps most satisfyingly of all, we helped our customers avert more than a few data center failures through real-time monitoring and intercession, along with early notification of possible issues.

This year, we will reduce energy consumption by more than 72 million kWh in the US alone.  And this figure grows with each new deployment.  We do this profitably, and with direct contribution to our customer’s bottom line as well through energy cost savings.

Things are getting better. And we’re just getting started.

Cleantech Evolves

Smart Loading for the Smart Grid – New Directions in Cleantech

I recently participated in a TiE Energy Panel (The Hottest Energy Startups: Companies Changing the Energy Landscape), with colleagues from Primus Power, Power Assure, Mooreland Partners and Gen110.

The panel concurred that the notion of Cleantech – and the investment money that follows it – has shifted from a focus on energy generation to a focus on energy management.   To date, this is primarily because cheaper energy sources, hyped in early Cleantech press, haven’t materialized.  It’s hard to compete with heavily subsidized incumbent energy sources, much less build a business for what’s perceived as a commodity business.  There are exceptions, like solar energy development, but other alternative sources have languished financially despite their promise.

The investment shift toward energy management is also a result of emerging efficiency-focused technology.  Data Center Infrastructure Management or DCIM is all about smart management – with an emphasis on energy.  Gartner believes that there are some 60+ companies in this space, which is rapidly gaining acceptance as a data center requirement.

This shift is also supported by the convergence of other technology growth areas, such as big data and cloud computing, both of which play well with energy management.   As our increasingly sensor-driven environment creates more and more data – big data – its volume has surpassed the ability of humans to manage it.

And yet the availability of this data, accurate, collected in real-time, inclusive of the dimensions of time and location, represents real promise.  Availability and analysis of this information within individual corporations and perhaps shared more broadly via the cloud, will reveal continuous options for improving efficiency and will likely point to entirely new means of larger scale energy optimization through an integrated smart grid.

The days of facility operators running around with temperature guns and clipboards – although still surprisingly common today – is giving way to central computer screens with consolidated and scannable, actionable data.

This is an exciting time.  I’m all for new ideas and the creation of less expensive, less environmentally harmful ways to generate energy.  But as these alternative options evolve, I am equally excited by the strides industry has made for the smarter use of the resources we have.

The wave of next generation energy management is still rising.

More Cooling

More Cooling With Less $$

My last post took a look at the maintenance savings possible through more efficient data center/facility cooling management.  You can gain further savings by increasing the capacity of your existing air handling/ air conditioning units.  It is even possible to add IT load without requiring new air conditioners or at the least, deferring those purchases.  Here’s how.

Data centers and buildings have naturally occurring air stratification.  Many facilities deliver cool air from an under floor plenum.  As the air heats and rises, cooling air is delivered low and moved about with low velocity.  Because server racks sit on the floor, they sit in a colder area on average.  The air conditioners however, draw from higher in the room – capturing the hot air from above and delivering it, once cooled down, to the under floor plenum. This vertical stratification creates an opportunity to deliver cooler air to servers and at the same time increase cooling capacity by drawing return air from higher in the room.

However, this isn’t easy to achieve.  The problem is that uncoordinated or decentralized control of air conditioners often causes some of the units to deliver uncooled air into the under floor plenum. There, the mixing of cooled and uncooled air results in higher inlet air temperatures of servers, and ultimately lower return-air temperatures, which reduces the capacity of the cooling equipment.

A cooling management system can establish a colder profile at the bottom of the rack and make sure that each air conditioner is actually having a cooling effect, versus working ineffectively and actually increasing heat through its operation. An intelligent cooling energy management system dynamically right-sizes air conditioning unit capacity loads, coordinating their combined operation so that all the units deliver cool air and don’t mix hot return air from some units with cold air from other units. This unit-by-unit but combined coordination squeezes the maximum efficiency out of all available units so that, even at full load, inefficiency due to mixing is avoided and significant capacity-improving benefits are gained.

Consider this example.  At one company, their 40,000 sq. foot data center appeared to be out of cooling capacity.  After deploying an intelligent energy management system, not only did energy usage drop, but the company was able to increase its data center IT load by 40% without adding additional air conditioners and, in fact,  after de-commissioning two existing units. As well, the energy management system maintained proper, desired inlet air temperatures under this higher load condition.

Consider going smarter before moving to an additional equipment purchase decision.  Savings become even larger if you consider avoided maintenance costs for new equipment, and energy reduction through more efficiently balanced capacity loads, year-over-year.

2011 Reflections

There is a saying in the MEP consulting business: “no one ever gets sued for oversizing.” That fear-driven mentality also affects the operation of mechanical systems in data centers, which accounts for why data centers are over-cooled at great expense.  But few facility managers know by how much.  The fact is that it has been easier – and to date –safer to over-cool a data center as the importance of the data it contains has increased and with that importance, the pressure to protect it.

Last year that changed.  With new technology, facility managers know exactly how much cooling is required in a data center, at any given time. And, perhaps more importantly, technology can provide warning – and reaction time – in the rare instances when temperatures increase unexpectedly. With this technology, data center cooling can now be “dynamically right-sized.”  The risk of dynamic management can be made lower than manual operation, which is prone to human error.

In our own nod to the advantages of this technology, we re-named the company I co-founded in 2004, from Federspiel Corporation to Vigilent Corporation.  As our technology increased in sophistication, we felt that our new name, denoting vigilance and intelligent oversight of facility heating and cooling operations, was more reflective of the new reality in data center cooling management.   Last year, through smart, automated management of data center energy consumption, Vigilent reduced carbon emissions and energy consumption of cooling systems by 30-40%.  These savings will continue year after year, benefiting not only those companies’ bottom line, but also their corporate sustainability objectives.   These savings have been accomplished while maintaining the integrity and desired temperatures of data centers of all sizes and configurations in North America, Canada and Japan.

I’m proud of what we have achieved last year.  And I’m proud of those companies who have stepped up to embrace technology that can replace fear with certainty, and waste with efficiency.

Unexpected Savings

Data Center Cooling Systems Return
Unexpected Maintenance Cost Savings

Advanced cooling management in critical facilities such as
data centers and telecom central offices can save tons of energy (pun
intended). Using advanced cooling management to achieve always-ready,
inlet-temperature-controlled operation, versus the typical always-on,
always-cold approach yields huge energy savings.

But energy savings isn’t the only benefit of advanced cooling management. NTT America recently took a hard look at some of the
direct, non-energy savings of an advanced cooling system. They quantified
savings from reduced maintenance costs, increased cooling capacity from
existing resources, improved thermal management and deferred capital
expenditures. Their analysis found that the non-energy benefits increased the total dollar savings by one-third.

Consider first the broader advantages of reduced maintenance costs. Advanced cooling management identifies when CRACs are operating
inefficiently. Turning off equipment that doesn’t need to be on reduces wear and tear. Equipment that isn’t running isn’t wearing out. Reducing wear and tear reduces the chance of an unexpected failure, which is always something to avoid in a mission-critical facility. One counter-intuitive result of turning off lightly provisioned CRACs is that inlet air temperatures are reduced by a few degrees. Reducing inlet air temperature also reduces the risk of IT equipment failure and increases the ride-through time in the event of a cooling system failure.

The maintenance and operations cost savings of advanced cooling
management is significant, but avoiding downtime is priceless.

Cooling Tips

Ten Tips For Cooling Your Data Center

Even as data centers grow in size and complexity, there are still relatively simple and straightforward ways to reduce data center energy costs. And, if you are looking at an overall energy cost reduction plan, it makes sense to start with cooling costs as they likely comprise at least 50% of your data center energy spend.  Start with the assumption that your data center is over-cooled and consider the following:

Turn Off Redundant Cooling Units.  You know you have them, figure out which are truly unnecessary and turn them off. Of course, this can be tricky. See my previous blog on Data Center Energy Savings.

Raise Your Temperature Setting. You can stay within ASHRAE limits and likely raise the temperature a degree or two.

Turn Off Your Humidity Controls. Unless you really need them, and most data centers do not.

Use Variable Speed Drives but don’t run them all at 100% (which ruins their purpose). These are one of the biggest energy efficiency drives in a data center.

Use Plug Fans for CRAH Units. They have twice the efficiency and they distribute air more effectively.

Use Economizers.  Take advantage of outside air when you can.

Use An Automated Cooling Management System. Remove the guesswork.

Use Hot and Cold Aisle Arrangements. Don’t blow hot exhaust air from some servers into the inlets of other servers.

Use Containment. Reduce air mixing within a single space.

Remove Obstructions. This sounds simple, but  a poorly placed cart can create a hot spot. Check every day.

Here’s an example of the effect use of an automated cooling management system can provide.

The first section shows a benchmark of the data center energy consumption prior to automated cooling. The second section shows energy consumption after the automated cooling system was turned on. The third section shows consumption when the system was turned off and manual control was resumed, and the fourth section shows consumption with fully automated control. Notice that energy savings during manual control were nearly completely eroded in less than a month, but resumed immediately after resuming automatic control.